That said, I thought I would post this week a simple list of books I have read and music that has influenced me in the past year or so. Feel free to click the links and engage as you quest to have your eyes and ears exposed to a variety of selections related to all things theology, faith, Scripture, culture, worship, justice, and our missional vocation in and for the world. I would also love for you to post your recommendations to me...
Bookshelf (no particular order)
O' Connor, Elizabeth. Call to Commitment, The Potter's House Bookservice, 1975.
Barth, Karl. Philippians. Westminster John Knox, 2002.
Origen: An Exhortation to Martyrdom, Prayer, and Selected Works. Paulist Press, 1979.
Dean, Kenda Creasy. Almost Christian. Oxford 2010. Block, Peter. Community. Berrett-Koehler, 2008.
Bass, Diana Butler. A People's History of Christianity. HarperOne, 2009.
Balthasar, Hans Urs Von. Dare We Hope, "That All Men Be Saved"? Ignatius, 1988.
Forest, Jim. The Road to Emmaus: Pilgrimage as a Way of Life. Orbis, 2008.
Bell, Rob. Love Wins. HarperOne, 2011.
Borg, Marcus. Putting Away Childish Things: A Modern Tale of Faith. HarperOne, 2010.
Mumford & Sons. Sigh No More (2009)
Jars of Clay. The Shelter
Tim Hughes. "God of Justice"
Once: Original Soundtrack
Switchfoot, Vice Verses (2011)
The Decemberists, The King Is Dead (2011)
David Bazan, Curse Your Branches (2009)
Anything by Matisyahu
Derek Webb, "Take to the World"
Gungor, Beautiful Things (2010) and Ghosts Upon the Earth (2011)
Ordinary Time, "Holy Spirit, Truth Divine"