
Monday, November 1, 2010

James Cone and Jonathan Tan: Reflections on Black Liberation and Asian American Theologies

Christian theology and related discourses are not to be limited to a single tradition, cultural context, or human experience. Instead, a plurality of witnesses is imperative for the development and movement of Christian theology within the emerging culture and an increasingly diverse socio-political and religious climate. In James Cone's seminal text, A Black Theology of Liberation, and Jonathan Tan's introductory survey, Introducing Asian American Theologies, the voices of the marginalized are elevated to prominent positions within theological conversations. In other words, the engagement with these premier texts allows the reader to be reminded once again that Western, white theology is neither normative nor absolute in the Christian quest to bear witness to the person of Jesus and God's unfolding story of liberation.

Click here for the full review and reflections on these significant contributions to the Christian faith and theological traditions.